
Where Should I Put My Pc Tower



The Awesome


  • #two

I would say it would all-time on the desk rather than on the floor, it will just help minimise the amount of dust that gets into it, information technology won't impale it if it'due south on the floor, only if it is on the floor, you'll want to make sure you endeavour and clean the dust out a lot more regularly.

  • #three

I e'er put mine on the floor for ii reasons. Firstly I would be paranoid it would get knocked off at some stage but more importantly the fan noise would irritate the hell out of me if it wasn't muffled by the desk being in the way.


  • #4

Depending on your case, you might have no issues with information technology on the floor, I keep my rig on the floor (at that place is no room to put it anywhere else really) simply I take fan filters on all the intake etc. and give it a dust out regularly.

  • #half-dozen

Not certain of a dust cabinet.

I dont have room on my desk-bound for mine nor to i want to put it on the floor as a vacuum cleaner so i bought a java the come just beneath my knees and i put it on that. Makes it easy to motion around every bit the table simply slides, puts it at a good level for doing component modifications and keeps it out of the way from getting knocked over


  • #8

I've never heard of a dust cabinet to be honest, kinda figured that was one of the jobs of the PC case itself... I gauge y'all could essentially encompass the PC in mesh but that's probably unnecessary. You can go aftermarket dust covers which will assist prevent dust getting into the PC and regular dusting volition foreclose whatever problems from arising!


  • #9

Mine sits on the flooring on the rug and our ancient cat uses the superlative of the desktop (where there's an intake fan) as a footstep to reach the bed. Rubber to say this isn't optimal simply never had any problems. If information technology's on the floor just clean out whatsoever dust/hair periodically and it should be fine.

  • #11

on the bed, on the floor
on the table, past the door
im [bad discussion] matt damon!!

distressing, couldnt help information technology
my desktop is on a desk in the corner of a room so there is no style for it to fall off, i have also had one in an office desktop with wheels but that was annoying as hell
you tin can always get those "strap-base" that you tin hang from the side of a desk with a solid base for the desktop which allows it to non exist on the flooring simply at the same time to not exist a hurting to position on a desktop, i saw them a while ago in IKEA, pretty useful IMO

edit: hope the edit complies with the forum bad words rules

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  • #12

Dust cabinet for PCs? Well, you could try looking at information cabinets - a quick search has shown some gratuitous standing ones and acoustic costless standing ones: they'll certainly help with dust reduction, sound insulation (although they do tend to accept their own fans for air circulation), comes on castors to go on them off the floor - just they aren't cheap... You lot could build your own I approximate, simply make certain there is plenty of air apportionment and fans and cable holes...


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