
How To Put Sound From One Video To Another

This tutorial demonstrates how to divide the audio from one video clip and add information technology to another, dissever video clip equally a voiceover or background audio.  The video beneath demonstrates the use of this technique.  The video prune of me talking was recorded as a single file and I later detached a portion of the audio to play as bakground audio for when the blithe maps are playing.  Delight see the stride-past-stride tutorial below this video.

Step by Step tutorial:

Step 1: In your iMovie projection, select the video clip that contains the audio you lot'd like to extract and use as a voiceover or background audio on some other video clip.  In the example below, I've selected the prune that shows me by double clicking on information technology.  The other clips in this projection are a title screen that is directly to the left of the video prune that shows me and three map animations at the end of the project. DetachAudio1

Pace two: Next, you volition demand to determine what portion of the sound yous'd similar to detach and apply equally a vocalism over or background audio.  In this case, I accept decided that I want to go along the beginning and end of the video clip simply accept out the heart portion.  You will need to split the prune into three parts that isolates the portion you lot want to detach as the middle portion.

Place the mouse over the exact point where yous want to separate the clip. Then button the control key on the keyboard and and so click with the mouse to activate the menu. Select "Split up Clip" to chop the prune in half.

Place the mouse over the exact point where you want to split the clip.  Then push the control key on the keyboard and then click with the mouse to activate the menu.  Select "Split Clip" to chop the clip in half.
Agree down the "control" button while yous click to actuate the carte.

Step 3:  Now that I accept separate my clip into two pieces, I will need to split the clip again at the cease of the audio that I'd like to use equally a voice over or background audio. DetachAudio3

Step 4:  At present that you have split your clip into three smaller clips, you volition need to rearrange the clips in your projection into the order that you'd like them to appear.  In this example I have dragged the map animations to play simply afterward the first clip because I desire them to play when I am talking nearly where I went over the summertime.


Step 5:  Now that yous have your clips arranged in the order that you lot desire them to appear, it's fourth dimension to detatch the sound from the "split clip" in the paradigm in a higher place.  Select the split prune by clicking on it once, when yous accept selected it a yellow box volition highlight the clip.  Next y'all will need to hold down the "command push button" and click the mouse to actuate the menu.  This fourth dimension you will need to select "disassemble audio".


Once y'all accept succesfully detached your audio, a purple bar will appear beneath the prune.

Footstep 6:  Next you will need to drag the detached sound (purple bar) and attach information technology to the first map animation.  The detached audio will have a tab that connects information technology to the video prune above.

Footstep 7:  At present that you have the audio prune attached equally a voiceover or background audio to a new video clip, information technology'south time to delete the video clip from where the audio was detached from.  Click on the clip to select information technology and employ the control + click characteristic to actuate the menu and "delete option".

The image below is what your project should look like later on you take successfully detached your audio and attached it to another prune every bit a voiceover or background audio!


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