
How To Put Flash Notification On Android

Getting notifications on your telephone isn't something new or something that started with Android. Whether nosotros're talking about annoying pop-up boxes or that addictive red blinking light, our phones have always been able to tell us it wants our attending.

Only with Android 7.0, things are going to become a lot better, largely considering developers now have more control over the way notifications are displayed.

Let'south talk about the changes and new features.

Bundled notifications

  • Direct Replies are something you might take already seen on your phone with some apps. The Hangouts app is an example. If someone sends yous a message in Hangouts, and you take no other awaiting notifications, you go a single message view that you can reply to right from the notifications shade. Since this has been possible since the original Nexus half-dozen launched, a adept number of apps have coded it in.

These kinds of actionable notifications have been farther refined in Android 7.0, and the developers can make up one's mind to add together more context to the notification (think a multi-line chat history in that Hangout's notification, for example) and keep the notification active afterwards you reply if a return response is predictable. You could have a running Hangouts chat, consummate with history, right in your notification shade. And because it'southward a native view of an app that'south already active, it'due south light on resource.

  • Bundled Notifications are the improved version of the "stacks" we've seen since Lollipop — using Nougat's new visual styling features. This is why they may feel familiar to you — app developers have been able to implement a course of them for well over a year.

Simply, when multiple notifications for a single app are received, they can be bundled together into a single group. This grouping tin can be expanded to see the private messages. Changes in Android N allow developers to "progressively" expand the notification stack so that they can add context to the grouping or each notification. That means in our Hangouts example, you could expand a notification bundle showing 3 unread letters and see the chat history for one or all of them — and with the Straight Answer characteristic, yous could human action on them.

Developers can utilize these new features in their apps and still be uniform with older versions of Android

These changes may feel familiar to anyone using an Android with Lollipop or higher because the beliefs is built on changes made in Android five.0 (API 21). They are likewise what we already use on Android Wear watches with a new visual style. Because of this, Bundled Notifications and inline Direct Replies are backward uniform with whatever application built for Lollipop or higher. All the developer actually needs to do is cheque that they meet the new best practices. Fifty-fifty if they don't bother, the existing API functions seamlessly call on the newer versions. This is important because the reality is that many apps nosotros use every day rarely become updated.

Fifty-fifty better news is that using existing support libraries, developers can implement these changes and still have an app that works as intended for versions of Android as old equally Honeycomb (Android 3.0). That's 98.two% of all Android devices still in apply.

  • Notification Peeking brings back the erstwhile pop-up brandish for an incoming notification, simply makes them smarter. A programmer can apply the peeking window to display the latest incoming notification of a bundled grouping. Our Hangouts notification is now collapsible and expandable to run into content equally we like, we can reply to each individual bulletin thread and we could (if implemented by the developer) set things upwardly so a reply can "peek" on our screen for a moment or two — and allow u.s. to directly answer from the peeking window.
  • Custom Views and Message Styles let a developer change how the notifications expect for a item app. This can be very important when you lot are creating bundles and peeking, and tin aid us as users go the right information at a glance. Message Styles allow customization of a notification's labels, and now our Hangouts notification has a title — "Chat with Dad" or "Bad Jokes" — and if there are multiple participants, each reply could be labeled or colored.

Wrapping information technology all up, Custom Views permit a programmer to ascertain the artwork of a notification bundle (the icon) or define an icon for an individual notification, then use everything else without building their own user interface. A cracking app tin can have a unique notification style without worrying about how to handle replies, bundle multiple notifications into a stack and define the private labels for each view without doing any of the heavy lifting themselves.

And then far, these changes appear subtle, and that'due south because we've simply seen Google'due south take on their implementation. Nobody making Android phones has to keep things easygoing and by and large white, and developers at present have some tools to brand notifications for their apps stand out. We won't similar them all, but the next dandy thought can be congenital using these tools.

Make notifications great again.

Jerry is an amateur woodworker and struggling shade tree mechanic. In that location's zippo he can't take apart, but many things he tin can't reassemble. You lot'll find him writing and speaking his loud stance on Android Central and occasionally on Twitter.


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